Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Diy window/mirror clings!

Windows clings! So simple little kids could do this as a fun craft.
1 tube of demensional fabric paint
Ziploc bag
Snowflakes to trace (optional)

Step 1- decide what snowflake you want and print it off and put the Ziploc bag over it

Step 2: apply a generous amount of the paint on the Ziploc bag

Step 3- let them dry. The thicker they are, the longer it takes, but if they are too thin they'll break. Mine took around 7 hours to dry..

Step 4- this Step is a little messy.. you have to carefully Peel them off and don't let the ends stick to each other

Step 5- apply to a window or mirror and enjoy. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holiday Snack

Sausage Balls!

Every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas, my mom always fixed sausage balls! This is one of the easiest snacks to make, only requiring 4 ingredients!

1lb of Sausage
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
2-3 cups of Busquick
tablespoon of water

Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees 
Step 2: Take a cookie pan and spray a little bit spam on it 
Step 3: Take all your ingredients and mix them into a big bowl. 
Step 4: You want to add a little bit of water to the mix, but not too much. 
Step 5: Mix all the ingredients until all the ingredients are nice and compact
Step 6: Take out little sections at a time, and ball them up and put them on the cookie sheet, and do this until all the ingredients are gone
Step 7: Place them in the oven for 20 minutes, and i suggest checking them at 10 minutes and maybe turning the cookie sheet
Step 8: Take them out of the oven and right away get them off the cookie sheet so they dont burn. 
Step 9: Enjoy! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Coffee Sharpie Cup

Coffee Sharpie Cup

White coffee cup
sharpies EDIT** The lighter colors wash off.. use only black. 

Step 1: Before you begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees!
Step 2: Decorate your cup however you want! And then put it in the oven for 30 minutes. When the 30 minutes is up, open the oven door but leave the cups in there, because you dont want to accidentally smudge the sharpie! Once you think its nice and cool, you can take them out. 

(I recommend hand washing this cup, because well, you never know)
EDIT** When I made this, the only color that stayed on was the blue, and the brown turned into pink.. I suggest only using black.. 

Button Collage

Button Collage

This is a button collage. I decided to do a B for my name, but I suppose you could do anything. 
This crafty idea is super easy and cheap!

Picture frame of any size
Elmer's glue
a ton of buttons
scrapbook paper

Step  1: Find a piece of scrapbook paper and place it inside the frame
Step 2: Organize the buttons on the OUTSIDE of the glass.
Step 3: You will then glue them on one by one until you are done. 

Super fun and simple!
My bestfriend's is on the left, mine is on the right. 