Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holiday Snack

Sausage Balls!

Every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas, my mom always fixed sausage balls! This is one of the easiest snacks to make, only requiring 4 ingredients!

1lb of Sausage
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
2-3 cups of Busquick
tablespoon of water

Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees 
Step 2: Take a cookie pan and spray a little bit spam on it 
Step 3: Take all your ingredients and mix them into a big bowl. 
Step 4: You want to add a little bit of water to the mix, but not too much. 
Step 5: Mix all the ingredients until all the ingredients are nice and compact
Step 6: Take out little sections at a time, and ball them up and put them on the cookie sheet, and do this until all the ingredients are gone
Step 7: Place them in the oven for 20 minutes, and i suggest checking them at 10 minutes and maybe turning the cookie sheet
Step 8: Take them out of the oven and right away get them off the cookie sheet so they dont burn. 
Step 9: Enjoy! 


  1. Sounds yummy but you left out how much of the Bisquick to use?

  2. oops! Sorry! Thank you for catching that mistake. it is 2-3 cups!
